One Breath Away

A mindful life with kindness and perspective

Overwhelmed and on the run

A short yet coherent summary of my life’s first chapter. Exhausted from struggling and searching, driven by the wish to find balance.

In letting go and allowing myself to rest, I have found what I was looking for. Dropping below the whirlwind of circumstances, whether they’re of external or internal nature. Becoming aware of my own rhythm. This inhalation. This exhalation. Learning to accept. Trusting and moving on. Discovering my own capacity to deal with whatever may come my way.

On my journey, I have taken several paths, with mindfulness and meditation being the ones that resonated with me the most and felt like coming home. MBSR not only offers me the framework and tools to better deal with stress, but much more. A mindset that I can identify with. A way of living that is calm, consistent and kindly accepting.

So what has changed?

I was overwhelmed and on the run, and to be honest, I find myself in similar situations again and again – why shouldn’t it be any different now. What has changed is how I deal with stress, challenges and life itself.

Mindfulness teaches me to embrace the journey in every single moment, with every single breath. The ups and downs, the pleasant as much as the unpleasant. Being mindful of my emotions, my thoughts and my well-being. There’s not a too late. There is always an invitation to become aware of the present moment. It’s only one breath away.