One Breath Away

A mindful life with kindness and perspective

What is this mindful journey about?

On a mindful journey, you (re)discover that you can retreat, calm down or become active again. You learn to follow your inner guidance, support yourself to grow and experience balance, and accept and love yourself, even if it doesn’t always seem so easy.

Rarely do we want to learn about our life experiences all by ourselves. Rarely can we go through life on our own. And we don’t have to. I believe that we don’t even want to.

We often forget how natural and similar our desires to learn, understand and grow are. The chaos and craziness of life that we go through. The longing to find balance or rediscover joy.

By sharing our journeys, the highs and the lows, we feel alive. It gets easier. We feel supported and understood by others when we need it. And we can show our own supportive and empathetic side: We can have an impact as well and give back!

If that resonates with you emotionally and you too long for shared mindful experiences and the simple, but not always easy to find “simply being human together” within a community of like-minded people? Well then ..

I’d like to welcome you to this specific journey

Mindful journeys are what I love to initiate or co-create, accompany and gladly allow to unfold on their own. And this multi-part blog series is another offer for you, dear reader, to go on a journey together with me and learn about my point of view at your own pace.

It’s not a passive experience though. It contains stories, ideas, many opportunities for open reflection and food for thought. Or as I like it much better – food for feelings. I don’t know if that’s a generally valid formulation. Maybe it is now.

What I’m trying to say is: You will learn about yourself and how you currently resonate with the following essential topics on

  • authenticity and why is it so hard to show others the real you,
  • speed of change and setting healthy expectations,
  • managing the need of running away from ourselves,
  • learning to see and feel how actually awesome you already are,
  • heaviness and setbacks, 
  • keeping a cool head when things slip away from you,
  • post meditation reflections,
  • prioritising rest as much as work,
  • finding balance in life, no matter what is happening within or around you,
  • your ability to think and feel about failure,
  • and the end of this particular journey.

And overall, between all these topics, growth and commitment.

Is there a wrong way to approach this journey?

No. There is no right or wrong. Feel free to go through it step by step. Perhaps don’t overdo it or hurry – especially if you normally like to do it that way. Feel free to jump to selected parts that interest you – especially if you often try to understand and absorb everything from beginning to end.

At the end of the day, do what suits you best – because you still know best.

This mindful journey won’t explain or solve it all

Neither will it fully illuminate things or even enlighten you. But that’s not what this is about.

It’s not what I believe in. I believe in initiating journeys step-by-step and seeing where that takes us. Think of a small stone that we intentionally or unintentionally let loose as we’re walking. And we will see whether and what unfolds and develops from it.

This doesn’t always have to happen on a grand scale, with explosive progress and the joyful “everything is finally solved”. That’s not real life.

It can happen on a small scale. Slowly. Step by step. That’s actually how it often happens. And that’s not such a bad thing, because it gives us enough time to see what is unfolding before our eyes and what we have perhaps been longing for for a very long time.

And you have already achieved a lot

If you made it to this line here, you already showed up. Not for me. But for yourself. 

Maybe this is your first step. Maybe you’ve lost count. Either way, this step here is simply the next one. And there is another one for you to take.

All I can do at this moment is encourage you to continue on your own journey. And also to find out whether our paths meet here and whether mine adds meaning and value to yours.

And who knows, maybe one day we’ll share parts of our journeys again, through others like this one or the live events I’m currently accompanying.

But for now, I hope you enjoy this mindful journey as much as I do!
