One Breath Away

A mindful life with kindness and perspective

In short

Is there ever truly an end? Or do we rather just start another one? For now, it’s time to wrap it up!

Thank you for your time and your feedback

Many of you have reached out to me since this journey was first published. I received lovely words of encouragement, understanding and motivation to keep writing and keep going. That has meant a lot to me and proved to be a gratifying reward for putting myself out there.

Because oh boy, that’s what I have done, and I am happy about it! Fortunately, I haven’t spent much time worrying about it all at the beginning. I’ve come closer to where I want to be.

It’s always easier to write about something and appear to others like you, dear reader, like an expert or someone who has at least somehow managed to become smarter from their own experience. I’m not sure if I am either, but I am definitely not the person who pretends to be. And that feels authentic to me. I will continue to learn, fail and pick myself up again. And thereby grow! 🙂

My short personal reflection of this journey

I enjoyed opening up with you, even and especially when my insecurities tried to stop me. But I chose to go out there anyway and see what it would give me back. A sense of how relationships and daily encounters have changed since I started to be a tiny bit more outspoken, courageous, vulnerable and thereby tangible with myself and others.

And you are a huge part of that process!

Although I just rambled about my own perspective, this first mindful journey was primarily created to be of value to you. I hope that it gave you the impulses, ideas or occasional provocative or helpful questions you were looking for.

Let me know if that was the case! You can reach out to me here on the website, or simply message me on Instagram. I’d be delighted to hear from you! 😊

Feel free to share this journey or single blog posts with someone who could benefit from it as well! 

How do we go on from here?

If you enjoy reading

Have you read and discovered all parts of the journey yet? Have you had the chance to browse the other blog posts published before and after this series? What about discovering the newest guided meditations on my YouTube channel?

If you feel ready to take the next step

Explore more together with me and other like-minded people. You are very welcome to join my next online meditation for free!

If you want to stay up to date on what’s going on

Sign up now for my newsletter and receive all the news about upcoming workshops and other live events!

If you’re still on social media

And as long I’m there, follow me here!

I wish you all the best and hope to hear from you soon,



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